Platinum Winner of the International Architecture & Design Awards 2024
Architect / Designer:
David Beagin
David Beagin Design
Design Team:
David Beagin | Creative Director
United States
“Have You Heard?” is the creative concept behind Gasper’s Landscape Design Lookbook 2024. The concept has been in the works for the past few years as the Gasper staff carefully collected and organized client testimonials to showcase them in one special publication. The Gasper team wanted to tell the Gasper story from their clients’ points of view, as nearly all of the text in the book has been spoken by happy landscape design clients. The publications team took the “Have You Heard” concept to the next level by writing every headline and most caption subheads to relate to the concept directly. The president’s letter is titled: “Hear Me Out.” Gasper claims to be the “Talk of The Town.” Prospects receiving the book call Gasper asking about the “Chat Room” on page five. The publication has sparked interest due to the team’s thoughtful and creative approach to the concept. Combining creative writing, beautiful landscape photos, chat box graphics, and clean design, the overall impression is credible and engaging.
“Have You Heard?” is the creative concept behind Gasper’s Landscape Design Lookbook 2024. The concept has been in the works for the past few years as the Gasper staff carefully collected and organized client testimonials to showcase them in one special publication. The Gasper team wanted to tell the Gasper story from their clients’ points of view, as nearly all of the text in the book has been spoken by happy landscape design clients. The publications team took the “Have You Heard” concept to the next level by writing every headline and most caption subheads to relate to the concept directly. The president’s letter is titled: “Hear Me Out.” Gasper claims to be the “Talk of The Town.” Prospects receiving the book call Gasper asking about the “Chat Room” on page five. The publication has sparked interest due to the team’s thoughtful and creative approach to the concept. Combining creative writing, beautiful landscape photos, chat box graphics, and clean design, the overall impression is credible and engaging.
David Beagin Design
With a diverse education and experience spanning multiple disciplines, including content marketing, graphic design, publication design, web design, thought leadership, architecture, and collegiate journalism, David Beagin Design offers a unique perspective and broad professional skills base. David Beagin Design uses these skills to help brands develop and maintain a brand personality and voice visually, socially, and interactively.