Platinum Winner of the International Architecture & Design Awards 2024



Restaurants, Bars & Cafes Design

Concept / Professional Category


Architect / Designer:

Evgeny Fomchenkov, Alexander Baymiev, Maria Nikolaeva



Design Team:

Evgeny Fomchenkov, Alexander Baymiev, Maria Nikolaeva

The character of Pushkin’s fairy tale, the insidious Shamakhan queen, comes, it turns out, from the real-life city of Shamakhi. This ancient city, located in the foothills of the Caucasus, was one of the stops on the Great Silk Road, and monuments of medieval architecture and craft traditions have been preserved in it to this day. All this makes the city and its surroundings an ideal tourist destination, for the development of which, among other activities, the restaurant complex project was created. The authors of the project sought to combine recognizable local features and attractiveness. The tower is a characteristic element of the historical buildings of the Absheron peninsula; in this case, it is formed by a reinforced concrete frame with glass filling. It is proposed to place restaurant halls on two levels of the tower, and the vast oval hall at its foot is designed as a banquet hall for crowded feasts, which are so loved in the Caucasus.

The centric plan of the tower allows you to turn its upper level into a rotating one around its axis.

The character of Pushkin’s fairy tale, the insidious Shamakhan queen, comes, it turns out, from the real-life city of Shamakhi. This ancient city, located in the foothills of the Caucasus, was one of the stops on the Great Silk Road, and monuments of medieval architecture and craft traditions have been preserved in it to this day. All this makes the city and its surroundings an ideal tourist destination, for the development of which, among other activities, the restaurant complex project was created. The authors of the project sought to combine recognizable local features and attractiveness. The tower is a characteristic element of the historical buildings of the Absheron peninsula; in this case, it is formed by a reinforced concrete frame with glass filling. It is proposed to place restaurant halls on two levels of the tower, and the vast oval hall at its foot is designed as a banquet hall for crowded feasts, which are so loved in the Caucasus.

The centric plan of the tower allows you to turn its upper level into a rotating one around its axis.


The main activities of the MAD Architects bureau are the creation of commercial interiors, the design of large and small architectural forms, as well as landscaping. The team’s portfolio includes dozens of projects for large banks, international companies, business centers and shopping malls. The bureau has repeatedly become the winner and laureate of architectural awards: World architecture festival, The International Design Awards (IDA), Illuminating Engineering Society.