Designing for dyslexia – ADC

Sarah Knize, K-12 academic practice leader and an associate principal at Ratcliff Architects in the US, talks to AT about her research in designing for neurodiverse learners and the impact architecture can have on teaching and learning.


Ease of outdoor access promotes vestibular movement and gross motor skill development, providing a reset when back in the classroom. Credit: Ratcliff with Robert Becker.

What are some common misconceptions and mistakes designers make when designing educational environments for neurodiverse learners?

With neurodiverse learners the devil is in the details and small issues can have big impacts on the day-to-day experience for those with learning differences. One example is a school that installed ceiling fans, which are great for occupant comfort, but they were mounted below the light fixtures, creating a strobe effect that was very uncomfortable for the human eye, especially for those who have difficulty concentrating. Another small scale example is with standard lockers. Students with dyslexia can struggle with the difference between right and left, so for them, a traditional round padlock, which requires a lot of turning clockwise and counterclockwise, can be a repeated frustration. Utilising technology such as keypads or personal devices to unlock lockers can eliminate what neurotypical students might not even register as an issue.

What are the core design principles you follow when creating spaces for dyslexic learners?

Faculty and students spend a significant amount of time on campus, so comfort in all learning environments is a core principle we strive for. Traditional classrooms can be fundamentally uncomfortable for those with dyslexia and ADHD (often paired with dyslexia). We are continually seeking ways to alleviate discomfort for both students and teachers. This includes providing ample natural daylight so that lights are rarely needed during classes. We also ensure the regular shape of classrooms to avoid ‘hidden corners,’ allowing all students to be seen and see teachers’ instructions.

Large format technology supports students with dyslexia by enhancing video and audio learning. We aim to offer a variety of furniture options, including spaces for sitting on the floor. Utilising writable surfaces on classroom walls allows for visual breakdowns of sentence structure, maths, or history, which can be very helpful for students with dyslexia. Additionally, coloured floor or wall areas can designate specific parts of a classroom, while cubbies, even for older children, can aid in organisation. Ultimately, we aim to provide ease so that the focus can remain on learning.

Above: Sarah Knize. Credit Margo Moritz.

Left: A classroom to support students with dyslexia features clerestory windows, biophilic ceiling materials, and large format technology. Credit: Ratcliff with Robert Becker.

What would be the initial steps in designing a classroom based on these principles? 

First, we look for ways to connect a classroom to its greater environment through the use of clerestory windows, if possible, to allow natural daylight without the distraction of students who may walk by. We like to incorporate biophilic materials, such as wood ceilings, concealed storage for curriculum, and color-coded cubbies for students. With a variety of flexible furniture, including writable desks, these features give students options for how they want to do their project work that day.

Acoustics are paramount; improving sound absorption and limiting noisy mechanical units are additional ways to promote comfort and strive for a more clutter-free environment. We recognise that overstimulation of an environment can directly impact the ability to concentrate.

How do you balance the need for structured, predictable environments with the flexibility required for different learning activities?

Campus organisation is critical for providing structured, predictable day-to-day experiences. It involves understanding key adjacencies between types of spaces and ensuring logical circulation. Within learning environments, we seek ways to offer flexibility: furniture choices, options for test-taking outside, and the ability to subdivide spaces to suit different class sizes quickly without consuming most of the class period. We find that flexibility within a structured framework can provide a sense of predictability without too much repetition.

How do you approach wayfinding in school environments to support dyslexic students?

Utilising architecture itself, rather than relying on written words or signage, can be an effective approach. Instead of depending on signs, we can indicate a clear hierarchy of entry or space with a taller pair of doors, a sculptural awning, or a special colour. Since some students with dyslexia may have visual-spatial strengths, incorporating images rather than written words can leverage those strengths. Additionally, we find a connection to the outdoors to be very valuable for helping orient oneself around a campus with distinct, identifiable features within a landscape.


Wall surfaces with a balance of acoustic panels and writable surfaces aid in learning and teaching. Seating options promote student choice and greater comfort for concentration. Credit: Ratcliff with Robert Becker.

What types of physical activities and equipment do you include in your designs to promote movement and ‘vestibular’ (sense balance and spatial orientation) development?

Engaging in physical activities helps students with dyslexia and ADHD regain focus in the classroom. Offering vestibular movement for a dopamine release allows for a reset, which one school we work with refers to as a “brain break.”

Campus-wide planning to preserve significant open space so that students can run freely has been well-received. While not a novel concept, we find value in maintaining this key design element at most schools. Keeping furnishings, trees, and lighting to the perimeter allows for wide-open spaces.

Additionally, we have designed spaces specifically for a course called Movement, separate from athletics, dance, yoga, or PE. Movement incorporates Action Based Learning™ (ABL), using a series of equipment to enhance motor skills, core strength, coordination, balance, and spatial awareness. Students with dyslexia can sometimes struggle with these developments, so physical learning can help prepare the brain for optimal learning. Providing space for this unique program type signals its importance to a school and acknowledges that there are broader skill sets to learn in a school environment than just the core curriculum.

Should every school, not just neurodiverse-specific schools, adopt these principles?

Absolutely. Dyslexia is the most common type of learning difference, affecting one in five children to some degree, and not all students with learning differences can attend specialised schools. Designing spaces with learning differences in mind can benefit neurotypical student populations as well.

Dyslexia is a neurobiological difference caused by different brain wiring, and there is certainly more to study regarding its impacts. Reframing dyslexia as a superpower for out-of-the-box thinking reinforces how school experiences should allow for broad definitions of student success. In American culture, we greatly emphasise reading and writing in school as the main metrics for learning. However, considering how those with dyslexia often excel in performing arts, music, art, design thinking, and athletics helps shift what it means to succeed in school. This approach fosters confidence in many different types of strengths beyond reading and writing.

What more can be done?

Awareness that dyslexia varies among students is crucial, as it presents a range of experiences and needs. This requires providing options so that spaces and environments can be adjusted to fit each student. Diving into this research has made me much more cognisant of the choices we make as architects and the creation of optimal learning environments. Schools face many operational decisions once architects leave a project, but before we do, there is significant power in getting the big moves right and finding opportunities in the small decisions as well. Using architecture and design to provide ideal learning environments for those with dyslexia has a broader impact and we hope the lessons learned can be more broadly applied.

Source: Architecture Today