Roomoo Design Studio has shared photos of their latest project, the Laizhou Bar in Shanghai, China, which features recycled whiskey barrels throughout its design.

The designers used around 6,000 pieces of discarded wooden barrels dismantled from the whiskey barrels of a distillery.

Each dismantled barrel piece is different in the curvature of the wood piece, width, length, and grain. Through the various size details and textures of each piece, the designers classified them and applied them to different positions on the facade and ceiling dome.

The recycled barrels transitioned from the exterior and through to the indoor entrance tasting area, and the bar area in the back to form a coherent flow spatial visual experience.

The overall space planning of Laizhou Bar comprises of a whiskey tasting area, VIP room, bar area, kitchen, bathroom, and outdoor seating area.

The double-ring structure on the top of the indoor tasting and bar areas forms an infinite visual impression, echoing the distillery’s green and environmentally friendly whiskey production methods.

The dome structure formed by discarded wooden barrel pieces on the top surface highlights the particular function (whiskey tasting) as the center of the space.

The bar area’s top metal structure provides the foundation for adding a rounded wooden frame that travels to the seating area on the opposite side of the space.

Another curved design element includes a more private area with dismantled and displayed barrrels.

In a private room, a sculptural element has been designed using the rings that hold the barrels together.

Here are a few more close-up images of the details found throughout the bar.

Here’s a glimpse of what the process was like to turn whisky barrels into building materials.

Here are the diagrams that show the layout, ceiling structure, and partition.

Photography: Wen Studio | Process photo provided by: RooMoo Yizhu Decoration | Design Team: RooMoo | Construction: Shanghai Yizhu Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. | Lighting Consultant: WOY Lighting Design
Source: Contemporist